At The Hobby Cave, we are committed to protecting the privacy and security of our customers’ personal information.

This Privacy Policy outlines the types of personal data we collect, how we collect and store it, how we communicate about policy changes, how customers can access, update or delete their data, our use of cookies, whether we share data with other parties, and the measures we take to protect personal data.

  1. Personal Data We Collect:
    We may collect various types of personal data from our customers, including but not limited to:

Contact information (email address, phone number, shipping address)
Payment information (credit card details, billing address)

  1. How We Collect and Store Data:
    We collect personal data through various channels, including:

Online forms during the checkout process
Transactions at our online store’s point-of-sale
Newsletter sign-ups
Social media promotions
Through third-party partners for processing payments
We store personal data securely using industry-standard encryption and access controls. Our systems are regularly monitored and updated to ensure the safety and integrity of customer information.

  1. Communication about Policy Changes:
    We will inform customers about any important changes to our privacy policy via email or in-product notifications. For significant changes that may impact how we collect, store, or share data, we will provide explicit notification to data owners.
  2. Access, Update, or Delete Data:
    Customers have the right to access, update, or delete their personal data. We provide at least two channels of communication for customers to exercise these rights, including contacting our customer support team or accessing their account settings on our website.
  3. Use of Cookies:
    We use cookies on our website for essential purposes, such as maintaining user login status and improving site functionality. We may also use cookies for non-essential purposes, such as tracking user behavior for analytics and advertising. Visitors can manage their cookie preferences and opt out of non-essential cookies through their browser settings.
  4. Sharing Data with Other Parties:
    We may share data with third-party service providers for purposes such as analytics, payment processing, and advertising. These service providers are contractually obligated to protect customer data and adhere to applicable privacy laws and regulations.
  5. Protection of Personal Data:
    We implement various security measures to protect the personal information of our customers, including encryption, firewalls, regular data backups, and access controls. Customers can report any security incidents or concerns to our customer support team for prompt investigation and resolution.

By using our website and services, customers agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 28/02/2024.